PDF Maker Vtiger CRM extension

PDF Maker extension for Vtiger

is a very powerful Vtiger extension for create Business Proposals, Contracts, Cases, Project activities documents and of course different kind of Quotes, Sales Order, Purchase Order, Invoices and other

On market since
Download of free version
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  • All Fields

    You can use all vtiger CRM Fields (including custom)

  • Print

    Batch print from each list view module

  • Document

    Save PDF file as Document

  • Email

    Send PDF file via Email

  • File name

    Define own Filename for generated PDF file

  • Product Image

    Using Products images in Invoice, Quotes, Purchase or Sales Order

  • Workflow

    Define Workflow management using our Workflow extensions

  • Custom function

    Using Custom function, which allows you to fully cutomise PDF output according your needs

PDF Maker template

Customize PDF document with PDF Maker

It’s never been easier to change your layout of PDF files generated from your vtiger. You can customize a PDF file in a variety of ways by using PDF Maker.
Use PDF Maker by IT-Solutions4You (Original producer of PDF Maker since 2010) to adjust your PDF layout like you need and wish.

PDF Maker features

  • Generate PDF file with own layout
  • Send PDF file via Email from DetailView
  • Save PDF file as Document
  • Merge template
  • Batch print from ListView
  • Overwritable templates for business letters
  • Use Workflow to send Email with PDF file automatically
  • Option to use Font Awesome
  • PDF Signature compatibility (79,- €)
  • Vtiger 7.x/8.x Compatible

In order to install & validate PDF Maker, you will need to use our free extension Installer


What Our Clients Say


0,- €

The Free version of PDF Maker allows you to create single PDF template for Quotes, Sales Orders, Purchase Orders and Invoices.

Despite the fact that Free is limited, it is still very useful and powerful. Also PDF Maker Free does give a feel for what it possible with Basic or Professional versions.


49,- €

The Basic opens up many opportunities and unlocks lot of features. Main change is that it allows you to create infinite PDF templates for Quotes, Sales Orders, Purchase Orders and Invoice modules.

However, all related modules are accessible to the templates (such as Contacts and Organizations) from within those templates.


99,- €

The Professional version comes with access to all vtiger modules (inclusive custom modules) and relationships between those modules.

So instead of being restricted to 4 modules, you can create templates, letters, forms, brochures or whatever else for all vtiger modules (However, module Calendar is not fully supported).



PDF Maker is also included in our packages.

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Try PDF Maker Pro via our Extension Packages Trial (14 days)

(included in Mini, Extended and All Access packages)