Calculate Fields extension for Vtiger CRM
This is the tool which allows calculating values for numbered fields

The usage of this tool is simple and requires only basic knowledge of the Vtiger CRM custom fields and filters/custom view creation
Calculate Fields features
- Supported mostly all modules
- Provides SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX, COUNT values
- Automatic calculations via Scheduler
- AfterSave calculations (from version 4.5)
- Calculation based on fields from related modules
- Using standard Vtiger functionalities (filters, custom fields)
- Your own already created filters can be used for Calculated Fields
- Unlimited number of Calculated Fields
- Date fields calculations
- Compatible with PDF Maker & Email Maker
- Easy installation & usage
- Vtiger 7.x/8.x compatible
- Included in our packages: Mini, Extended, All Access

Start using Calculate Fields now!
Installation & Usage
Installation & Validation is via our Free Extension Installer
For detailed guide how to validate and install our modules visit guide below:
*Guide apply for Vtiger 7.x and Vtiger 6.x versions
*Calculate Fields have same installation package for Vtiger 7.x & 6.x
Notice: the calculations provided for Calculated Fields are done automatically based on scheduler settings and cannot be initiated manually. Please check the scheduler settings, i.e. check whether the status for Calculate Fields is “Active”. If not, please change it, as well as define frequency as shown in the picture below:
(Frequency time is up to you, but we don’t recommend setting it to less than 15 minutes.)
Since August 2021 we also support AfterSave calculations
This is included in version 4.5 and higher
What is a AfterSave calculation?
The the calculations will be made immediately after saving the record.
For example:
We have an Organization where in the Annual Revenue field, there should be a SUM of all Paid Invoices assigned to the given organization.
So now when you create or edit any Invoice related to this Organization, the Annual Revenue will be instantly recalculated after you press Save button when editing or creating an Invoice.
You can find manual for Vtiger 7.x and Vtiger 6.x below:
*In Vtiger 6. x manual, please skip Installation part and use our Installer instead.
- 14 February 2024: 4.16
- fixed a problem where the CRON calculation does not stop when the organization or other records are deleted
- fixed problem where After save Product action into Opportunity did not work
- 23 January 2024: 4.15
- improved compatibility with Vtiger 8.0
- other minor improvements
— 2022 —
- 21 September 2022: 4.14
- improved compatibility with our extension Convert Sales Order to Purchase Order
- other minor improvements
- 25 February 2022: 4.13
- supported Item/Inventory Details operations
(example, SUM for all Invoices in the Organization and their quantities) - Vtiger 7.5 and PHP 8.x compatibility
- other minor improvements
- supported Item/Inventory Details operations
- 4 January 2022: 4.12
- Calculate fields aftersave action will no longer remove products from Inventory modules
— 2021 —
- 8 December 2021: 4.11
- the condition “current month” for module Calendar, will do a calculation properly now
- 26 October 2021: 4.10
- custom conditions will be no longer removed when editing existing Calculated Fields
- added Module Requirements link
- 11 October 2021: 4.9
- Cron settings will be not be removed when Updating the Calculcated Fields
- 8 October 2021: 4.8
- List view labels translation fixed
- After save calculation minor improvements
- 29 September 2021: 4.7
- resolved cron issues
- resolved issues with decimal separators used in fields
- 7 September 2021: 4.6
- fixed ajax calculations related to wofklow calculations
- 30 August 2021: 4.5
- added new AfterSave Scheduling type, where the calculations will be made immediately after saving the record
- 12 January 2021: 4.4
- improved Count operation, to count records, for example: Employes in Organization (assigned contacts)
— 2020 —
- 19 August 2020: 4.3
- fixed issue where calculations were not working for Cashflow extension
- minor bug fixes
- 16 June 2020: 4.2
- fixed issue with calculating values for Invoice module
- minor bug fixes
- 20 May 2020: 4.1
- minor bug fixes
- January 2020: 4.0
- new validation system via our FREE extension Installer
— 2019 —
- August 2019: 600.700.1.1
- extension release for Vtiger 7.x
- same installation package for Vtiger 7.x & Vtiger 6.x