Mention Users extension for Vtiger CRM

Mention/Tag @users in Vtiger CRM Comments & receive Email notifications

Mention users for Vtiger

The mentioned users will receive an email with a link to the given record, the content of the comment and other mentioned users in conversation

Main features

  • Mention Vtiger users in Comments box via @UserName
  • Mention multiple users in one comment
  • Email notifications for mentioned users
  • View the records of Vtiger directly from notification emails
  • See who else is mentioned in conversation via notification email
  • See who mentioned you and the content of the comment
  • Dynamic loading of users by starting typing @username
  • Supports all Standard & Custom modules with comments box
  • Vtiger 7.x/8.x compatibility
  • Included in our packages: Mini, Extended and All Access
Mention users for Vtiger

Start using Mention Users now!

What are @mentions?

Mentions allows you to mention or tag any users in the comments box of Vtiger.

  • If someone is mentioned, they will receive an email with a link to the record you mentioned
  • Users are mentioned if you start typing “@name of the person you want”
  • The key is to use “@” before any user name if you want to mention him
  • Mentions are an easy way to draw someone’s attention to a high-priority conversation or message
What are @mentions?
How to mention users Vtiger

How to @mention someone?

After successful installation of Extension you can start mentioning users:

  1. Firstly, select the Module you want along with the record
  2. In the Detail view of record you can see Comments box
  3. To mention user/s, type “@” and start typing the name of the person you want to mention
  4. When you start typing, a list of users will appear
  5. Choose the user and write down your comment

The mentioned users will receive an email with a link to the record.

Email notifications for mentioned Users

When you post the comment, mentioned user will receive an email notification.

Email notifications include:

  • The comment itself, with the mentioned user name highlighted
    (@Abbie Hobbs)
  • Who mentioned you
    (Peter Administrator)
  • Record subject highlighted as bold text
    (Invoice 005)
  • Link to the record
    (Please click here to view the record)
  • Other mentioned users (if any)
Frequently asked questions

Can I translate the labels/text in the notification email?

Yes, this is possible with a few additional steps:

  1. Go and search file: vtigerfolder/languages​​/xx_xx/ITS4YouMention.php
    – xx_xx = language folder, for example de_de
  2. Open the file and change the labels translations:
    – example: ‘LBL_MENTIONED_YOU’ => ‘your translation.’,
  3. Save the changes

The received email will be translated in the same language as the user has set in Vtiger CRM.
User 1 language in Vtiger is German, and you changed translation for de_de = he will receive an email with this translation.

Is this extension compatible with Vtiger 7.3? 

Yes! All our Extensions are fully compatible with this version.

I’m not receiving any email notifications, why?

Please make sure your Mail Server Settings (SMTP) are correctly set.

Installation & Validation is via our Free Extension Installer

For detailed guide how to validate and install our modules visit guide below:

Try Mention Users via our Extension Packages Trial (14 days)

(included in Mini, Extended & All Access packages)