Installer Changelog

Below you can find all updates and new features added for Installer.
If there is a new version, you should see it in your CRM on the Installer Notification icon:

(Cron is checking new versions and updating license information every 24 hours in your Vtiger.)

We suggest to clear browser cache after each update of the Installer and our Extensions.

  • 12 June 2024: version 0.51
    • adjusted PHP requirements php_versions for Vtiger 8.2
  • 6 May 2024: version 0.50
    • adjusted and improved internal licensing system, faster validation and update information times
        (If you do not see any modules in the Installer, please click on Update informations, or make sure the license is visible and validated, if no validated it again please)
  • 5 April 2024: version 0.49
    • added the utf8mb4 character set to System Requirements as recommended or supported value
  • 20 March 2024: version 0.48
    • added a System Requirements pop-up window, shown when the parameters on the system does not meet the recommended values
    • adjusted System Requirements where PHP versions 5.6, 7, 7.0 are not supported anymore and we advise updating to higher versions
  • 29 January 2024: version 0.47
    • added PHP requirements 8.1 and 8.2 for Vtiger 8.1 to the System Requirements of the Installer
  • 8 January 2024: version 0.46
    • added removal of comma from control of SQL Mode in System Requirements

— 2023 —

  • 19 October 2023: version 0.45
    • internal Licensing adjustments for licenses which are using user and installation counts like Mobile App / Google Sync
  • 18 September 2023: version 0.44
    • Vtiger 8.0 full compatibility
  • 21 June 2023: version 0.43
  • 1 February 2023: version 0.42
    • System Requirements correction for utf8mb3 SqlCharset
  • 13 January 2023: version 0.41
    • changed label for Access Key = Package Access Key, as the Access Key is only compatible with our Extension packages not a Single license keys
    • improved compatibility with upcoming extensions
    • other minor improvements

— 2022 —

  • 11 November 2022: version 0.40
    • Vtiger 7.5 compatibility
    • PHP 8.x compatibility
    • improved stability
    • other minor improvements
  • 9 August 2022: version 0.39
    • the size of the Changelog and Install log windows when installing or updating extensions has been reduced and a scroll bar has been added
  • 2 August 2022: version 0.38
    • added subscription licensing for extensions with users count
  • 15 July 2022: version 0.37
    • resolved minor issues related to updating/installing extensions
  • 23 June 2022: version 0.36
    • improved search modules in the Installers Modules Tab
    • added the ability to click on the name of the extension in the list where, when clicked the user is redirected to the module
    • other minor bug fixes
  • 24 March 2022: version 0.35
    • licenses related to our Hosting, will now show more detailed information
    • other minor improvements
  • 17 March 2022: version 0.34
    • added extensions Update Date into the Modules table
    • added the ability to search for extensions in the Modules table
    • the Login button is now set as “link”, which means that after clicking on Login, you will be redirected to the login page in the Installer
    • changed notification for reaching the maximum number of activations for a license
    • Hosting licenses will now show also a Hosting Package information
    • users can install all extensions and it doesn’t matter what Trial package they choose
      (for example, if user want a Trial and activate a Mini Package trial, he will be able to install extensions from the All Access package as well)
    • users logged in through the Package license, can also activate the Single license using the + Activate License Key  button
      (the condition is that the Package license with which users are logged in and the Single license that they want to activate, must belong to the same organization)
  • 3 February 2022: version 0.33
    • resolved issue with installing Languages, Install button will now work properly when clicked
  • 26 January 2022: version 0.32
    • error IndexViewPreProcess CURRENT_USER_MODEL fatal error will be no longer present for users of Vtiger 6.x versions
  • 19 January 2022: version 0.31
    • after update of extension Changelog will appear, so you will not miss any info about the current version!
    • added new value error_reporting to the Requirements parameters
    • added option to scan subfolders for permissions in the Requirements section
    • fixed issue where Installer layout sometimes did not load properly
    • other minor fixes and improvements

— 2021 —

  • 9 September 2021: version 0.30
    • added option to Renew license or convert Trial license to Paid license via Installer buttons
  • 31 August 2021: version 0.29
    • HTTP and HTTPS protocols will be counted as one activation now, and will no longer cause issues with validation
  • 12 July 2021: version 0.28
    • added new system requirement check: SqlCharset
    • improved module updates when licenses are expired
  • 30 June 2021: version 0.27
    • layout bug fixes in Modules Shop tab
  • 1 April 2021: version 0.26
    • added SQL mode to the System Requirements
    • added control so if there is already Warehouses Delivery Notes installed, you will be not able to install standalone Delivery Notes extension
    • fixed wrongly displayed Installer notifications
  • 29 January 2021: version 0.25
    • fixed bug when you performed uninstall of any extension and Installer gave a blank page
    • extensions in Modules Shop tab are no longer all over the place
    • some of the Free Extension will be properly shown now in Installer
  • 20 January 2021: version 0.24
    (version 0.23 was skipped, changes were applied to the 0.24 version)

    • added System requirements control to the Installer to make sure you are using recommended parameters to properly run our Extensions
    • added the ability to activate the Trail if the customer owns a full license already
    • fixed label when error during installation accured
    • fixed messed up tabs of extensions in Modules Shop tab
    • minor bug fixes

— 2020 —

  • 19 November 2020: version 0.22
    • improved installation/update process for extensions which contains more sub-extensions (ex: Hotel Booking, etc..)
    • minor bug fixes
  • 15 October 2020: version 0.21
    • compatibility with newly update versions of some extensions (3.0) for Vtiger 6. x
    • minor bug fixes
  • 08 October 2020: version 0.20
    • added left Settings menu to the Installer view
    • minor bug fixes
  • 27 August 2020: version 0.19
    • fixed issue where modules were not seen under the Modules tab after the license expired
    • changed error report messages when license reached the maximum limit of activations or when the users were trying to validate license with incorrect email address
    • Renew license button now transfers you to our E-shop pages to the License section, after login you are able to see and renew licenses selected by you
    • added button to clear empty licenses from the database which results in better and faster loading of Installer and our Extensions
  • 29 May 2020: version 0.18
    • fixed issue where notifications for single module update were duplicated based on times how many versions were released (should be always just one notification)
    • added alert that you need log out and log back in again to the Installer when your email or password was changed
    • minor bug fixes
  • 27 May 2020: version 0.17
    • fixed issue where Installer was affecting workflow actions for PDF Maker and Email Maker, workflows were triggered but emails were not received
  • 07 April 2020: version 0.16
    • fixed issue where installing some modules caused them to not work properly
    • improved stability of Installer
  • 09 March 2020: version 0.15
    • added option to see already purchased extensions under the Modules Shop tab for future purchases
  • 21 February 2020: version 0.14
    • minor bug fixes
  • 17 February 2020: version 0.13
  • 13 February 2020: version 0.12
    • minor bug fixes
    • fixed issues with login to Installer
  • 12 February 2020: version 0.11
    • minor bug fixes
  • 3 February 2020: version 0.10
    • minor bug fixes
  • 15 January 2020: version 0.9
    • fixed issue where the non admin user received “Permission denied” error on the dashboard and in other modules too
  • 15 December 2020: version 0.8
    • official launch of our Installer with all required features