Vtiger Blog

GA release of Vtiger CRM 7.2.0

Vtiger CRM 7.2.0 GA has been releasedAccording to official announcement new version of very popular CRM Open Source system was released.  Dear Developer, We are happy to announce GA release of Vtiger CRM 7.2.0, In this release we have mainly focused on security, performance on which below noted are the high-lights.Data Integrity support through checkpermission api. Please do refer here for Documentation. File security through obscurity Barrier for SQL Injections through prepared queries. Open security and performance issues have been addressed Fix for 60+ high priority issues on code.vtiger.com. Please check here.We would like to express our special thanks to all the developers in community, Who kept us aware on security issues and sharing Merge requests.You can download Vtiger Crm 7.2.0 from here : https://www.vtiger.com/open-source-crm/download-open-source/On encountering any...

Calculation within PDF Maker

Last week our support team has a specific requirement for the PDF Maker extension. Our customer needs a specific calculation in Productblock table. He needs multiply two columns and summary it. He needs to show a Purchase Price in PDF export and show the sum of all Purchase prices. Here is a small description how to make this. Maybe this can help some of our PDF Maker users. There is also Video which shows how to calculate in PDF Maker, but there is only sum function.So in this case, if we need multiply two columns and summary it, we need a start (before Productblock) with definition of variables and give them default value 0 [CUSTOMFUNCTION|setCFNumerValue|purchaseprice_product|0|CUSTOMFUNCTION] [CUSTOMFUNCTION|setCFNumerValue|purchaseprice_total|0|CUSTOMFUNCTION]In next step we will calculate purchaseprice_product variable as $PRODUCTQUANTITY$ * $PRODUCTS_CF_751$....

How do I login to my Vtiger files via FTPS

This article is primarily intended for customers using our hosting, but it can also be beneficial for people who are hosting another company. If you need to access your Vtiger CRM system files, just follow these steps:You will open WinSCP (or another client to remote folders) If you do not have WinSCP, there is download link: WinSCP Download Choose New Site (saved data if you have saved them before - in this case you can skip to a point 9) Choose FTP Choose TLS encryption Host name is url Fill User name (You will receive this information after prolonged hosting) Fill Password (You will receive this information after prolonged hosting) Click on Login Súbory nájdete v zložke "web"

Free plugins for your Vtiger

We published 3 Free plugins for Vtiger 7. Download and enjoy. Clear CampaignsDo you need to remove all Contacts from your Campaign? Do you need to remove all Leads from your Campaign? Do you need to remove all Organizations from your Campaign?Up to now you had 2 options: Remove all contact/leads/organizations one by one. Other option was delete your campaign and create new one. Today you find better option. Option to remove all records from your Contact List, Lead List or Organization List just in few simple steps. You find Clear Campaigns4You Reset Customer Portal Password Forgot your customer password for customer portal? Standard "Forgot Password?" in customer portal does not work correctly? Reset and resend customer's password immediately from your Vtiger CRM. Picklist Import Values Save your time with Picklist ImportSimply import...

Maximize CKEditor edit window with one click on small screens

Do you have a small CK Edtitor screen and you want to make it bigger with one click? Follow our tip how to add  Maximize button to your Editor. ImplementationGo to folder: libraries/jquery/ckeditor and find file config.js We need to edit file config.js by removing maximize from the config.removePlugins line and put it to config.plugins line So change config.js from:CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) { // Define changes to default configuration here. For example: // config.language = 'fr'; // config.uiColor = '#AADC6E'; //vtiger editor toolbar configuration config.removePlugins = 'save,maximize,magicline'; config.fullPage = true; config.allowedContent = true; config.disableNativeSpellChecker...

Font Awesome for PDF Maker? No problem!

Did you ever make the template and in the end it was looking "boring" just with text and logo? You know there was something missing to make it more special and livelier. With our new feature Font Awesome for PDF Maker, you can use Icons and Social logos! It's simple and fast, all you need is to do few clicks in your template! Comparison: With Icons / Without Icons To get a Font Awesome for PDF Maker, you need Basic or PRO version & PDF Maker version 700.7.0 or higher for Vtiger 7 and version 600.19.0 or higher for Vtiger 6. Useful Links: Manual how to use Font Awesome If you still don't have the PDF Maker, you can visit our shop More about PDF Maker

Looking for the best Vtiger hosting? You are on right place.

Do you use great hosting but your Vtiger is still not working correctly? What is the reason? Simple reason is that hosting providers can't optimize hosting for all platforms. So if you want use Vtiger you need to have hosting optimized exactly for Vtiger requirements. Because we work with Vtiger over 13 Years we have our own hosting. We have been providing hosting for a long time but these days we start our new service called Cloud hosting. In 3 minutes you can start working with Vtiger. What about price? You won't belive, but you can use it also for FREE. We offer 4 packets for cloud hositng.FREE - 0 € Starter - 4.08€/monthly Business - 6.58€/monthly Professional - 9.90€/monthlyWhat's the catch? Honestly, nothing. We did it to grow Vtiger community. Because if community...

How to hide/show line of table in PDF file in PDF Maker

Have you ever met with this situation? You have a great template for Invoice but if for example discount = 0 you need to edit template and remove line because it does not looks so great. If your answer is Yes then this article certainly helps you. So how to edit your template to hide/show line based on field? First at all, I have to say that this manual is only for PDF Maker Professional because you need to use Custom Function. Let's start:Find in your template line in table that you want to hide/show and click into this line Go to Other information tab And click on Custom functions Find its4you_if or its4you_isnull function and add into line you want to hide/shows (I recommend to use...

How to Download our Free Extensions?

From time to time, we receive questions, how to download Extensions that we offer for Free.  Our Free extensions can be installed via our Installer. So please read following steps how to enjoy our extensions for Vtiger for FREE:First of all, you need to go into our E-shop. Visit our E-shop  If you are already registered, just simply login into our E-shop. Login to our E-shop   If you don't have registration, please provide few steps to make one:Click on Register Now button. Register Now   Fill required info and accept Terms and Conditions. We also recommend to subscribe to our Newsletter to receive hot offers, Discounts or info about Updates and new Extensions. And click on button. Sign to our E-shop   After Registration you will be logged in automatically.  In our...

How can I debug my Vtiger?

Tracy library is a useful helper for everyday PHP programmers. It helps you to:quickly detect and correct errors log errors dump variables measure execution time and memory consumptionImplementationDownload Tracy latest version from https://github.com/nette/tracy/releases Open .zip file and copy tracy to your FTP folder include Edit file libraries/HTTP_Session/Session.php Replace function: function start($name = 'SessionID', $id = null) from:function start($name = 'SessionID', $id = null) { HTTP_Session::name($name); if ($id) { HTTP_Session::id($id); } elseif (is_null(HTTP_Session::detectID())) { HTTP_Session::id($id ? $id : uniqid(dechex(rand()))); ...