Vtiger extensions March 2022 news are here!
Dear Vtiger community, during March we brought you a few of improvements for our extensions and also hot-fixes that were reported by our customers.
Below you can see all the changes made in March.
- Descriptions loaded, while using the Edit before Export, will no longer create big spaces before tables
- variable $PRODUCT_TAX1$ which is a Products module field – VAT(%), is now working again
- Currency fields will no longer show zero values
- other minor bug fixes
- improved compatibility with Descriptions extension
- fixed an issue where when sending an email, it was not possible to select the recipient (TO:), to whom the record is assigned, now it’s also possible to select the email of the person who created or edited the record
- added new feature where users can see how many products are in the Warehouse via related tab info number
- other minor bug fixes
- resolved issues with Receipt Cards and WH Transfers modules when users created own custom fields, the error “”Record you are trying to access is not found” should not be present anymore
WH Delivery Notes:
- Workflows created by the user in the WH Delivery Notes module, will be no longer removed upon updating the extension via Installer
- resolved compatibility with WHDeliveryNotes module which is part of Warehouses
- Inventory currencies minor improvements related to uiType
- other minor bug fixes
- resolved issue with Decimal separators and usage of Truncate Trailing Zeros based on user preferences
- other minor bug fixes
- the Account Summary value Amount Paid, will no longer counting Cashflow paid amount that has the Payment Date field blank
– all Cashflow records which haven’t filled Payment Date will be not counted in to the Account Summary table because these were not paid and should not be counted as Amount Paid)
- licenses related to our Hosting will now show more detailed information
- other minor improvements
Don’t forget to check our blog posts each month for more new information about our products and services.
We will continue to bring quality improvements and fixes for our extensions.
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