Vtiger CRM 8.3 Release
The Vtiger 8.3 version has been released. Please see our post blog page where you can check more details about it.
The Vtiger 8.3 version has been released. Please see our post blog page where you can check more details about it.
The Vtiger 8.2 version has been released. Please see our post blog page where you can check more details about it.
The Vtiger 8.1 version has been released. Please see our post blog page where you can check more details about it.
Dear community, according to the official announcement new version Vtiger 8. of a very popular CRM Open Source has been released. For the moment, we do NOT recommend migrating to Vtiger 8.0 or installing our extensions on this version.
New version Vtiger 7.5 GA has been released! This release addresses over 45+ issues and 30+ enhancement submissions. Key highlight being out-of-box support for PHP 8.x runtime.
According to the official announcement new version Vtiger 7.5 of a very popular CRM Open Source will be released soon!
Dear Vtiger community, December blog about our improvements and fixes is available for you now. Our last blog for year 2021 is here and you can check below all changes and fixes we have done during this month.
Vtiger extensions November 2021 news are here! Dear Vtiger community, November blog about our improvements and fixes is available for you now. This year we bring you the last blog for November 2021 where we made a few adjustments for our extensions.
Vtiger extensions October 2021 news are here! Dear Vtiger community, we bring you an October blog about our improvements and fixes. During October, we have resolved more issues related mainly to our PDF Maker and Calculated fields and made extensions more stable during this time.
Dear Vtiger community, we hope you enjoy the beautiful autumn of 2021. We continue to work on improving our extensions. In September, we brought you a couple of updates to our extensions and fixes, and we also added new features.