Vtiger extensions April 2023 news are here!
Dear Vtiger community, The first quarter of 2023 is behind us and we believe that in addition to work, you are also starting to enjoy the warmer days that remind us of the arrival of summer.
IT-Solutions team will continue to bring improvements and fixes for our extensions. It was also the case for the month of April, where we brought not many, but a couple of fundamental improvements.
Below you can find what we did in the month of April for our extensions.
- fixed Totals count population
- fixed Save records session unset
- fixed exports and generations
- removed Inactive users from the saved recipients list on Scheduling
- fixed problem where Dashboard disappeared after reloading the page
- Vtiger 7.5 and PHP 8.x compatibility
– in case of any issues you will be need to manually edit files and their lines below:
1. open file: /libraries/google-api-php-client/src/Google/Http/REST.php edit line 131 to: $requestUrl .= ‘?’ . implode(‘&’, $queryVars);
2. open file: \vtlib\thirdparty\network\Request.php edit line 935 to: (0 == strlen((string)$this->_body) && (HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD_POST != $this->_method ||
- Updates tab in the Modules will no longer record every relational change related to the Emails extension, this will result in a reduction in the number of updates and a better overview in the Updates tab
- resolved issues where in some random cases Emails weren’t sent and caused Error, we have applied a a minor hotfix in this version in this case
- other minor imrpovements
Don’t forget to check our blog posts each month for more new information about our products and services.
We will continue to bring quality improvements and fixes for our extensions.
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