Vtiger CRM 7.2.0 GA has been released
Dear Developer,We are happy to announce GA release of Vtiger CRM 7.2.0, In this release we have mainly focused on security, performance on which below noted are the high-lights.
- Data Integrity support through checkpermission api. Please do refer here for Documentation.
- File security through obscurity
- Barrier for SQL Injections through prepared queries.
- Open security and performance issues have been addressed
- Fix for 60+ high priority issues on code.vtiger.com. Please check here.
We would like to express our special thanks to all the developers in community, Who kept us aware on security issues and sharing Merge requests.You can download Vtiger Crm 7.2.0 from here : https://www.vtiger.com/open-source-crm/download-open-source/On encountering any issues on source, Please do report here on code.vtiger.com by prefixing the title with 7.2.Whole hearted welcome for your response.Thanks! for all your support 🙂—
Best Regards
Uma.SVtiger Team
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