Vtiger CRM 7.3.0 (Hotfix1) Released

Vtiger CRM 7.3.0 (Hotfix1) Released

Vtiger CRM 7.3.0 (Hotfix1) has been released

According to the official announcement, a Hotfix1 of Vtiger CRM 7.3 version was released.

Dear Developers,

Vtiger 7.3.0 Hotfix1 is now available.

  1. Hotfix1 download Link; vtigercrm7.3.0-hotfix1.zip

    1. Those who already downloaded 7.3.0 just need to download this hotfix which contains only the changed files)

  2. Full download with Hotfix 1: 7.3.0

    1. I have replaced the main download for 7.3.0 which includes the hotfix1 changes. So, those who download it now do not need to download the hotfix.

This Hotfix addresses the following:

  1. Mass edit deleting the checkbox and reference field

  2. Calendar SendReminder throws fatal error

Thanks to ruben.estrada and its4you for contributing the fix.


  1. We recommend you to patch older version (refer commit-1 and commit-2 ) or migrate to 7.3.0

If you have more questions please feel free to discuss on this thread.

Vtiger 7.3 ITS4You Extensions compatibility

Our IT-Solutions4You development team has been working really hard in the past few weeks to test and convert most of our extensions to be compatible with Vtiger 7.3.
We are excited to say, that all of our extensions have already been converted and are now fully compatible.
In addition, we are updating our extension pages(on the website) with screenshots, & user guides.
For any questions or help upgrading – please contact us.

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