Vtiger extensions May 2022 news are here!
Dear Vtiger community, during May we have released a new extension Items Bundle!
This extension is part of our Extended and All Access packages. If you own these packages, the Items Bundle will appear as ready to be installed.
Also, we released new versions of our extensions listed below which as always, include bug fixes and newly added features.
Check out all new features and changes below:
Items Bundle is newly released extension in May 2022.
It helps create Products and Service bundles and then use them in Invoices, Sales Orders and other records which have an Item Details block.
Creating Product and Service bundles will streamline your work and save you time.
- selecting multiple templates upon export, will now reflect correctly based on the selected order in the exported .pdf file
- added better support for Custom modules when using the Related block feature
- the Merge PDF templates feature will save PDF templates to a .pdf file in the selected order
- fixed issues related to Duplicate(s) handling settings, where if there was attempt to create duplicated record alert box disappeared, now the Duplicate(s) handling alert box is present again
- Mandatory fields in Blocks or Custom blocks will now work properly and show as mandatory fields
- added new tab Opened Recipients, where users can see which of the recipients opened the emails, showing Recipient Name and Access Count
- added new option via the More button to duplicate campaign with All Recipients, Not Opened Recipients and Opened Recipients
- Email Marketing campaign will now show 100% finished, even if there are some recipients which did not received the email or are unsubscribed
- other minor improvements
- added hotfix where users weren’t able to select the Email Maker templates during creating a campaign
- added new Pie percentage chart type
- improved multi-select box search, translation
- xls export will show the correct currency column value
- fixed issue where xls AVG calculation was wrong in the case of results with empty rows
- fix list view search by submit search bars
- removed prefix “ITS4You” from the default names of the reports
(applied only when installing extension)
- Vtiger Reports created for Cashflow module, will now properly show all records which include Creator column
- solved the problem with dragging records, it was necessary to refresh the page to display the record in the target column, this problem occurred sometimes when a custom language was used in some rare cases
- using custom translations for pick list values, will no longer cause problems if the Pick list dependency setting are used, all values are displayed now correctly in header
- added Integration settings, which can be found in the CRM Settings – Other Settings – Creator 4 You
- added Last modified by field, which can be turned off and also can be used in the list view filters
Don’t forget to check our blog posts each month for more new information about our products and services.
We will continue to bring quality improvements and fixes for our extensions.
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